
Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

The AAUW Action Fund’s It’s My Vote: I Will Be Heard voter education and turnout campaign represents an unprecedented investment in making women’s voices heard in the 2012 election. Follow us on Twitter and on Tumblr for the latest updates, and check out our biweekly Campaign Update for news, resources, and ideas.

From registering voters to mobilizing millennial women, the 2012 election has its challenges. But with a little help from some friends, AAUW and Fem2pt0 are ready to take it all on.

Today at 2 p.m. EDT, we’re hosting a tweet chat to tackle your questions about voting. Reproductive rights advocate Sandra Fluke will be on hand to talk about how to inspire and motivate women voters. And Dan Vicuna, a staff attorney with Fair Elections Legal Network, will cover voter registration and voter-identification laws. Submit your questions and follow along on Twitter by using the hashtag #itsmyvote.

Oh, and if you’re looking for some material to read ahead of time, check out Fluke’s voting pep talk, and learn about our It’s My Vote: I Will Be Heard campaign. You’re registered to vote, right?

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AAUW Director of Public Policy and Government Relations Lisa Maatz reported from the Republican National Convention this week and will report from the Democratic National Convention next week. Follow her updates at AAUW Dialog, on Facebook, and @LisaMaatz on Twitter.

The final night of the Republican National Convention brought the expected — Gov. Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech and the balloon drop — and the unexpected — actor Clint Eastwood’s conversation with an empty chair. Regardless, it capped off an exciting few days during which I talked about AAUW priorities with delegates, party power brokers, and advocates by day and live-tweeted speeches from the convention hall at night. I was able to share my reactions and interact with you as the events unfolded. Catch up on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s action, and read below for an on-the-scene look at Thursday’s speeches.

August 30, 2012, 8:12 p.m.

#AAUW #GOP2012 RT @ezraklein: Condi and Jeb Bush have put heavy emphasis on education reform — as George W. Bush did in 2000.

THIS RT @realsaramerica: Which is why we get morons elected. RT @DrLearnALot: ‘Honey :Boo Boo’ beats GOP in ratings http://t.co/AJNWDy5a

‘What the *#@% Is Wrong With Republican Men?!’ asks GOP columnist Kathleen Parker http://t.co/v9tUuWic via @newsweek #GOP2012 #AAUW

While GOP convention emphasizes diversity, racial incidents intrude http://t.co/M8VI6fUx #GOP2012 #AAUW

Check out @RepPaulRyan’s record with #AAUW: Congressional Voting Record | @AAUWActionFund http://t.co/a8p9KEFb #GOP2012 #itsmyvote

RT @140elect: The #RomneyRyan2012 tag has been used about 7,500 times today, and their campaign is spending at least $120,000 to promote it. $16 per tweet.

RT @2012twit: Top tags in mentions of @MittRomney past 24hrs: #GOP2012 #WeCanChangeIt #tcot #RNC2012 #RNC #RomneyRyan2012 #WeBuiltIt #p2 #gop #Megaupload

RT @2012twit: 700,000 Twitter mentions for the #RNC today — twice the volume of yesterday. See the top tweets and speech reactions http://t.co/nzmdnsCJ

I got 2 meet Kerry Healey Tues. She’s co-chair of Political Parity, a bipartisan group working to get more women into office. #GOP2012 #AAUW

Jan Edmunds talking abt Romney’s commitment 2 put more women in leadership. Increased numbers in MA. I’d like 2know more #GOP2012 #AAUW

Five-time Olympic Medalist Kim Rhode: “It’s safe 2 say we showed the world that American women are a force 2 B reckoned with.” #AAUW #GOP2012

RT @CNNPolitics: Eastwood says Obama administration hasn’t done enough for economy. “It may be time for someone else to come along and solve the problem.”

This is simply bizarre. Rambling, talking to a chair. Am I dreaming? Clint? Crowd is making best of it, but lots of cringing #AAUW #GOP2012

What is this, the state of the union speech? Hmm. What do you think? Is this entry via convention floor a good idea? #GOP2012 #AAUW

“I accept ur nomination 2 B president of United States!” w/those words, Mitt Romney opens flood gates of general election $$. #GOP2012 #AAUW

Mitt Romney’s mom: “Why should women have any less say in the gr8 decisions of this country than men?” #AAUW #GOP2012

“I knew her job as a mom was harder than mine. I also knew it was more imp than mine.” — Mitt Romney. Sincere or pandering? #GOP2012 #AAUW

RT @richardwolffedc: I wonder if Mitt Romney will make any mention of his previous job in public service. When he reformed health care. And was pro-choice.

Crowd is trying hard 2 B excited abt Mitt Romney. To like him, to connect. A lot more effort 2 do that than last night w/Ryan. #AAUW #GOP2012

Yikes. #AAUW #GOP2012 RT @Lehigh389: RT @danprimack: Today’s Bain Capital has 22 managing directors in private equity group. Zero women.

Is it working? #AAUW MT @sullydish: If #GOP2012 has been abt anything its abt trying 2 narrow gender gap. It’s been almost overwhelming http://t.co/HesDkAlp

That’s one way to describe it, I guess. #AAUW #GOP2012 RT @WSJwashington: Clint Eastwood Offers Off-Script Moment http://t.co/udez2Mzn

Twitter is just killing it right now RT @ibenjaminbarnes: hmm .. RT @elmorse: I hope at #DNC Betty White interviews Romney’s tax returns

August 31, 2012, 12:16 a.m.

I’m packing my bags and heading north to Charlotte, North Carolina, for the Democratic National Convention, where I will again keep you posted through blogs, Facebook, and live-tweeting of the major speeches. I hope to see you in Charlotte — or online — to discuss AAUW priorities and convention happenings.

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On Tuesday, January 24, President Barack Obama will give the annual State of the Union address. Obama has heard from organizations all over the political spectrum about what they think his priorities should be for the next year. AAUW is no exception. Below, in no particular order, is our wish list for President Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address.

  1. Make “women” part of the speech. In last year’s hour-long speech, the president said “women” once and “woman” twice. Our national priorities should reflect women’s priorities — and that includes acknowledging women’s critical role in our nation’s economy and civil society.
  2. Promote pay equity and economic opportunity for women. Obama should prioritize funding for programs that promote equal economic opportunities for women and funding for technical education for women in nontraditional fields. While passing any legislation is tough in this environment, he should take steps to prioritize all executive branch equal pay enforcement initiatives.
  3. Affirm women’s reproductive rights. The president should reaffirm his commitment to protecting every woman’s right to safe, affordable, and comprehensive family planning and all reproductive health services. He should warn Congress that he will vigorously oppose attempts to restrict these services or to limit coverage of preventive health services, including contraception.
  4. Prioritize the Violence Against Women Act. Since the Violence Against Women Act was first passed in 1994, it has played an enormous role in strengthening anti-violence efforts and helping to protect women nationwide. The act, which has always been bipartisan, is now up for reauthorization. The president should make it a priority and challenge Congress to pass it this year.
  5. Make sure higher education is within everyone’s reach. Higher education is the key to success in today’s economy. Obama should reaffirm his past pledge to increase college graduation rates, especially for women and nontraditional students, and urge Congress to fully fund the critical Pell Grant program.
  6. Provide a world-class education for every child. The president should urge Congress to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to provide all students with equal opportunities to learn. Obama should also reiterate his commitment to holding schools accountable for the success of all students as Congress works on this legislation. He should challenge Congress to enact legislation to protect educational quality by preventing the layoffs of hundreds of thousands of teachers.
  7. Enforce Americans’ civil rights and demand funding to do so. Obama should demand that Congress fully fund the federal agencies that protect and enforce Americans’ civil rights.
  8. Help women who serve in our armed forces. Women who serve in the military and women veterans face unique challenges, ranging from elevated risks of sexual assault while on active duty and higher rates of unemployment after leaving the military. Obama should commit his administration to implementing robust reforms that help these women, who have spent years serving their country.
  9. Call on the Senate to move on judicial and executive nominations. Obama’s judicial nominees have been confirmed at significantly slower rates than those of previous presidents, creating judicial vacancies throughout the country. Delays in confirming executive nominations mean that the government cannot operate at peak efficiency, a critical need in this economy. Coincidentally, these nominees include greater percentages of women and minorities, who are still underrepresented in these roles. The Senate should be prompted to act on judicial and executive nominations without delay.

This is our wish list. What is on your wish list for the State of the Union?

AAUW and the White House will be using Twitter to talk about the State of the Union all week. Leave questions you have about the speech in the comments section below, follow AAUW on Twitter @AAUW and @AAUWPolicy, and learn more about what the White House is doing at www.whitehouse.gov/state-of-the-union-2012#get-involved.

Administrator’s note: House Republicans are hosting a State of the Union digital fact check and social Q&A on GOP.gov/SOTU tonight. Tweet your question for House Republicans using the #SOTUGOP hash tag or by visiting GOP.gov/SOTU.

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Over the past 25 years of the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, more than 8,000 women have been empowered by this signature leadership event. Presenting the workshop From Cover Girl to Campus Girl: A Discussion of Body Image and the Media last year with my colleagues was an amazing experience. I was able to connect with phenomenal college women who are committed to being change agents on their respective campuses.

They passionately spoke to us about their commitment to implementing programming that teaches women to love their bodies and increases self-esteem. I look forward to presenting this session again this year with renewed resources to another group of women who will “learn and apply everything [they] learn when [they] get home,” as Kiauna Hemsley, a 2010 NCCWSL attendee said she plans to do.

As AAUW’s leadership programs fellow, I have been afforded the opportunity to be involved in planning the conference. With all the exciting things happening to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the conference — the Women of Distinction Awards, the Secrets of Powerful Women panel, Laurie Westley’s keynote speech, and the variety of ways to engage and share through social media — this is going to be one conference to remember.

There will be 490 attendees this year, and I look forward to meeting and connecting with them, sharing stories, and, most important, learning from one another to continue the strong cycle of women’s leadership across the nation. There is nothing like the feeling of being surrounding by supportive, strong, and inspirational women. I remember last year when each corner I turned I met a new woman who had amazing insight to share.

As Aimee Barrett-Battle, a 2010 NCCWSL attendee said, “My goal for NCCWSL is to absorb the greatness that will surround me.” I couldn’t agree more. Having just finished my graduate work in higher education administration and student affairs, I look forward to continued opportunities to engage with college women and empower them to pursue their full potential as leaders and citizens.

Stay tuned throughout the conference for student testimonials on all of the exciting events posted to YouTube; for blog posts, Facebook, and Twitter updates; and for a showcase of photos on our Flickr account. Stay engaged and share your thoughts; we look forward to hearing from you!

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Red Pump Widget

Wednesday, March 10, marks the fourth annual National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The day calls for people to get informed, get tested, and take action.

One idea for getting involved was started last year by bloggers The Fabulous Giver and Awesomely Luuvie. They recruited more than 100 bloggers to begin a conversation about the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls and created the Red Pump Project. This year blogs, including AAUW Dialog, are participating in the Rock the Red PumpTM campaign by putting the logo on our blog in solidarity with advocates and women affected by or fighting the disease. You can also tweet or post messages on Facebook (hashtag #redpump) during a Twitter town hall.

AAUW & Red Pump Project

AAUW Staff Rockin' the Red Pump!

Other efforts to raise awareness are also taking place. New domestic campaigns, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Act Against Aids” and “i know” social media effort aim to reach the most at-risk audiences and reduce the incidence of new HIV cases. In Washington, D.C., with the highest number of AIDS in the country by population, a $500,000 grant from MAC Cosmetics is allowing for free distribution of female condoms at the same locations where male condoms are made available for free.

Another key way to take action is to support comprehensive sex education programs that provide clear and unbiased information about HIV/AIDS and explain how women can protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases.

While much has changed in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, the news has not been all good. Just last week, the United Nations announced that AIDS is now the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age (15–49) and that violence against women is a contributing factor to the rise in new infections. In the United States alone, a woman tests positive for HIV every 35 minutes. African American women and Latinas disproportionately reflect the largest number of new cases, accounting for 75 percent of new HIV infections despite making up only 25 percent of the population. And AIDS is now the leading cause of death for African American women between the age of 25 and 34.

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is an opportunity to focus on HIV/AIDS prevention and to directly and actively impact the lives of women and girls facing the disease.

AAUW's Red Pumps

AAUW's Red Pumps

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AAUW Supporters with signsMarch 1 marks the start of National Women’s History Month, and AAUW has strong ties to this annual celebration of women history makers. AAUW is an established historic organization that has helped — and continues to help — women make history.

With that in mind, AAUW is excited to partner with the National Women’s History Project in its 30th anniversary year, which has the theme “Writing Women Back into History.”

There will be many ways for AAUW members and supporters to get involved this year, and AAUW’s Women’s History Month celebrations will include the following:

A Flickr stream of photos

If you have photos of a Women’s History Month event to share, please upload them to AAUW’s Flickr stream by e-mailing the photos to mess90zap [at] photos.flickr.com*. Please be sure to include a short caption for each photo in the subject line or in the text of your e-mail message and indicate that the photos are for National Women’s History Month. Women’s History Month-related photos will be available for viewing directly on the Flickr account.

A YouTube video campaign

AAUW staff members will be filming short videos about women they are honoring during Women’s History Month that will be uploaded to AAUW’s YouTube channel. If you would like to share a Women’s History Month-related video that you’ve made, just upload it to your own account and send in the link via e-mail. We will collect videos from AAUW branches and members and online supporters and share them through the blog and/or Facebook.

A discussion thread on Facebook

In addition to regular postings of videos, blog entries, and articles on AAUW’s Facebook fan page wall, there will be a discussion thread available on Facebook for members and online supporters to use to share Women’s History Month information, including, but not limited to

  • Event information
  • Women’s history facts
  • Inspirational quotes by/about women
  • Individual stories people would like to share
  • Websites and/or online articles about women’s history

SuffragettesTweeting about women’s history

AAUW will use the #wmnhist (Women’s History) tag every day in March instead of just on Wednesdays. And @AAUW, as well as our followers and online supporters, will be tweeting women’s history facts, quotes, links to Women’s History Month-related videos, articles about women’s history, relevant blog posts, and so on. To follow the women’s history conversation on Twitter, log in to Twitter and then search for the #wmnhist tag.


AAUW’s fantastic blog team will be highlighting various women throughout the month of March. In addition, there may be some guest bloggers, including the filmmaker behind the documentary Seneca Falls. You can order the video for screening parties.

On March 4 AAUW will blog about Half the Sky Live, the CARE event that is related to Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn’s book, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.

AAUW will be blogging for International Women’s Day on March 8 and will be participating in the National Engineers Week Foundation’s 2010 Global Marathon: For, by and about Women in Engineering and Technology. The marathon will take place March 10–11.

As part of the part of the Red Pump Project, AAUW will blog for National Women and Girls HIV/Aids Awareness Day on March 10.

Finally, AAUW also has pledged to blog on March 24, which is Ada Lovelace Day, to celebrate women in technology and science.

Other ways you can get involved:

Host a screening party

A number of movies are great for celebrating or recognizing Women’s History Month, including Seneca Falls and Iron Jawed Angels.


Another way to help celebrate National Women’s History Month and add your perspective to the conversation is by having your say in the “comments” section of the AAUW blog. Please comment on the blog to share more information about the women and topics that will be written about during this month.

How else will you be celebrating National Women’s History Month? AAUW would love to hear your ideas and looks forward to your participation in our Women’s History Month activities.

*To send an email to this address, delete the brackets and add an “@” symbol in their place.

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AAUW’s newest social media campaign—whipped up by members of the public policy team, AAUW’s junior designer, and yours truly—aims to garner support for pay equity via Twitter through a Twibbon, which is a small image that overlays avatars (profile pictures) on Twitter.

Incorporating these kinds of campaigns within social media helps to supplement on-the-ground support and action and allows online supporters to express themselves. Individuals on Twitter can promote their support of a certain cause while recruiting their friends or others to join them. And it all starts with one little image.

Why add this Twibbon to your avatar? In addition to supporting AAUW’s efforts to see true pay equity laws enacted, you’ll become part of a larger movement that supports social equality. Equal pay is only one of the issues AAUW addresses, and it has wider repercussions because equal pay issues aren’t just women’s issues—they affect everyone.

We can work to enact change and ensure equal pay for equal work. Contact your senators and urge them to co-sponsor the Paycheck Fairness Act. Then, get your Twibbon and let your followers on Twitter know why you have it. Tell them just how important pay equity is—it affects their short-term earnings as well as their long-term economic security and retirement, not to mention the overall economy. That’s why they should contact their senators and get their Twibbons, too!

Stay tuned for updates. AAUW’s last Twibbon campaign, Stop the Stupak Amendment, received four “Twibutes” and 648 supporters. C’mon, tweeps, let’s build on that success!

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Equity Issues Banner

January 30–February 16

AAUW Leader Joins Advisory Committee of Health Care Think Tank

AAUW Executive Director Linda Hallman now serves on the advisory committee of the prestigious, invitation-only Health Sector Assembly, the health care think tank that includes bipartisan health constituencies and represents employers, consumers, government, foundations, industry, economists, academics, and selected providers. Hallman’s involvement with HSA began when she was executive director of the American Medical Women’s Association. Described as the “who’s who of people in health care,” the HSA brings together the nation’s major players to release an annual consensus document designed to move the health care dialogue forward. While there is no shortage of proposals regarding how health care reform should be achieved, AAUW is most concerned that any enacted reform provides access to quality and affordable health care for all Americans. Visit AAUW’s Position on Health Care to learn more and to download the summary statement of the 2009 Health Sector Assembly.

AAUW Op-ed on Pay Equity Still Generating Buzz

“For Women, What a Difference a Year Almost Made,” the op-ed co-authored by AAUW Executive Director Linda Hallman and pay equity activist Lilly Ledbetter, continues to receive attention. First published on January 29 on the popular news site The Huffington Post, the op-ed, which calls for wider support of the Paycheck Fairness Act, the “essential companion legislation” to the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, later was published on the United Steelworkers’ website and referenced on BlogHer.

AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund Supported Case against UC Davis Moves Forward

The Associated Press (Tuesday, Feb. 9)

A lawsuit filed by three female wrestlers can move forward thanks to a recent ruling by the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Since 2005, AAUW has offered financial and organizational support to the case, and we signed an amicus brief for the 9th Circuit appeal. Plaintiff Christine Ng told the Associated Press, “We are thrilled. We wanted our day in court, not only for us, but as an opportunity to stand up for all girls and women trying to participate in contact sports where stigmas against women remain strong.” The story has been featured in the Central Valley Business Times, Inside Higher Ed, and on the AAUW Riverside (CA) Branch website. Read more about the case on the AAUW website and on AAUW Dialog.

Wanted: Women for Student Government

Washington Post’s Campus Overload Blog (Tuesday, Feb. 16)

Maggie Luttrell, who was featured on AAUW Dialog and attended the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders in 2008 and 2009,  offers advice for college women who are running for or thinking about running for student government office. In her guest blog post for the  Washington Post, Luttrell wrote: “I ran for student body vice president, and I was the only female running for an executive seat. When I was out riding the bus system, loitering in the dining halls, walking in between classes, I was a walking billboard.”

Campaign College Travels to New Orleans

Loyola University (Thursday, Feb. 11)

Loyola University in New Orleans has issued a press release to announce that it will host a Campaign College training session on Saturday, February 20. Campaign College is a campus-based program that addresses the disparity between the high percentage of women in colleges and universities and their low representation in student government by encouraging women to run for campus leadership positions.

AAUW-Led Program for Latinas Generates Media Attention in Illinois

Pioneer Local (Monday, Feb. 8 )

Dare to Dream, an AAUW-led program that puts on an annual conference in Illinois for middle school-aged Latinas, was featured in a recent news article. The article said Dare to Dream gives “the girls a positive experience with science and math-related studies to encourage college attendance.”  Dare to Dream, a current Community Action Grant project, is just one of more than 60 AAUW-led programs currently participating in the National Girls Collaborative Project. Visit the Dare to Dream website to learn more.

AAUW of Tennessee, AAUW Maryville (TN) Branch Offer NCCWSL Scholarships

The Daily Times, Maryville, Tennessee (Sunday, Feb. 7)

The AAUW Maryville (TN) Branch and AAUW of Tennessee are offering scholarships to students interested in attending the upcoming 25th anniversary of the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) on June 3–5 at the University of Maryland, College Park. NCCWSL is a two-and-a-half-day conference designed to enhance the leadership skills of college women students and to promote effectiveness in their work on campus and in the community. To learn more about this exciting event, visit the NCCWSL website.

Join AAUW’s Twibbon Campaign to Close the Wage Gap

AAUW has created the Support Equal Pay Twibbon to keep the wage gap issue at the forefront of debate. (A twibbon is an image that represents a cause and can be overlaid on your Twitter profile image.) On average, women earn just 77 cents to every dollar earned by men. Just one year out of college, working women already earn less than their male colleagues, even when they work in the same field and have the same degree. As women now make up half of the workforce and a larger percentage of breadwinners than ever before, wage discrimination hurts the majority of American families. Get your Twibbon now, urge your senators to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, a much-needed update of the 46-year-old Equal Pay Act, and find out how you can get involved with Equal Pay Day on April 20.

Member Leader in California Extols the Virtues of AAUW

San Jose Mercury News (Thursday, Feb. 4)

The AAUW Los Gatos-Saratoga (CA) Branch will host a discussion focused on the challenges of getting legislation that benefits women and families passed. Gladys Bernyk, branch public policy chair, said, “From the beginning, AAUW has encouraged women and girls to be educated and participate in life. … From the beginning, AAUW has been a strong proponent of education for everyone.”

Secrets of Powerful Women Includes Chapter by AAUW’s Lisa Maatz

An essay by Lisa Maatz, AAUW’s director of public policy and government relations, is included in The Secrets of Powerful Women: Leading Change for a New Generation, a collection of essays written by 24 top women community and business leaders, politicians, and journalists that was released earlier this month. In her chapter, Maatz shares one of the important lessons she learned in elementary school. Support AAUW through your purchase of the book by using this link to the Barnes and Noble website. Also check out Maatz’s latest video, “Using Her Powers for Good.”

AAUW Recognized Again for Funding Efforts to Address Math, Science Gender Gap

The Pacific News Center and WTVA.com this have published articles about the $50,000 in Campus Action Project (CAP) grants to AAUW awarded to 12 institutions across the country for the 2009–10 academic year. CAP grants fund projects that target the barriers women and girls face to entering and staying in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. Announcements about the AAUW awards previously appeared on the Harvey Mudd College website and on Enterprisenews.com.

AAUW Staffers Nominated for 2010 Young Women of Achievement Awards

AAUW Dialog (Tuesday, Feb. 16)

Kate Farrar, director of AAUW’s leadership programs, and Holly Kearl, AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund program manager, were nominated for the 2010 Young Women of Achievement awards, given each year by the Women’s Information Network to women under 35 who have made a difference in their communities. The 17th Annual Young Women of Achievement Awards: Celebrating a Woman’s Nation will be held Thursday, February 18, 2010, at the Carnegie Institution of Washington.

Order the book women across America are talking about.

The Secrets of Powerful Women: Leading Change for a New Generation

Secrets of Powerful Women book cover

Cruise the Adriatic Sea’s stunning coast of Dalmatia, crossroads of ancient civilizations Reserve by March 8 through AAUW Partner Gohagan Travel and save $2000/couple!

Visit Gohagan Travel/AAUW or call 800-922-3088 for more information.

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Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have taken on a life of their own. Through these sites, teens and adults alike are letting their friends, family, and sometimes complete strangers know what’s on their mind, what they’re doing, or where they are. Social networking sites have become a venue for us to talk continually about ourselves and to stay constantly connected through mobile devices or through the internet.

In the wake of the devastating earthquake and aftershocks that have plagued Haiti, sites like Facebook and Twitter have become virtual locations of support and for outcries of sympathy. In a recent story in USA Today, Thomas Frank writes of how the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has taken to Twitter to monitor the situation on the ground in Haiti.

When the earthquake first hit Haiti, people were able to communicate with their networks and loved ones quickly through Twitter and Facebook to let them know their status. Although social media like Facebook and Twitter lead me to believe that we are becoming an increasingly narcissistic society, I also see their benefit when I look at how people use them as they have in Haiti—as a lifeline, a way to communicate with family members, and a way for those that are far away from Haiti to feel closer and connected with the people who have lost so much. Meanwhile, people outside of Haiti have used the tools to raise money for relief efforts.

While trending topics come and go on Facebook and Twitter, there is still a very real need in Haiti for continued support. To donate to the Haiti relief efforts, please visit the Red Cross at www.redcross.org.

Kendra Smith is a member of the 2009–10 AAUW Student Advisory Council.

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Equity Issues in the News

January 25-29

AAUW Marks One-Year Anniversary of Ledbetter Law with Call for Action

The Huffington Post (Friday, Jan. 29)

AAUW Executive Director, Linda D. Hallman, CAE, and pay equity activist, Lilly Ledbetter, called for support of the Paycheck Fairness Act in an op-ed that said: “A year ago today, on January 29, 2009, a new president signed his first piece of legislation into law. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act restored workers’ rights to challenge illegal wage discrimination in the federal courts. It was a proud moment, but we’re sad to report that the job of ending wage discrimination in this country remains incomplete.” AAUW’s work to close the wage gap was highlighted this week on Womenstake.org and AAUW Dialog. See what the wage gap is in your state.

Young Scientist Makes Headlines, Draws Attention to Efforts to Make Field More Diverse

AAUW Dialog (Wednesday, Jan. 27)

AAUW’s efforts to increase the number of girls in science and math are highlighted in a recent blog post about Li Boynton, the teenage science whiz who sat next to Michelle Obama at Wednesday’s State of the Union address. Li’s award-winning work to develop methods to test drinking water could potentially improve public health worldwide. Her story is a great example of how girls are fully capable of excelling in science and math. To learn more about efforts to encourage the next generation of women scientists, visit the AAUW National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) page.

New Research Supports AAUW’s Position on Male Academic Achievement

USA Today (Tuesday, Jan. 26)

AAUW’s contribution to the body of knowledge regarding male academic achievement was referenced in a national news story about a new American Council on Education report. It found that the gender gap in higher education is stabilizing. Nationwide, men make up 43 percent of enrollment in higher education, a statistic that has remained the same since about 2000. AAUW’s 2008 research report, Where the Girls Are, dispelled the myth of an overall boys’ education crisis and called for refocused attention on the deep division among students by race, ethnicity, and family income level because that’s where the bulk of the education disparities lie.

AAUW Video Response to the State of the Union Address Appears on Various Websites

AAUW’s Public Policy Department responded to the State of the Union Address on AAUW Dialog and on You Tube. The video was uploaded to the PBS News Hour website and could be seen on other sites including EconomyBeat.org and the Fergus Falls (MN) AAUW branch website

New Book Generates Buzz, Features Essay by AAUW’s Lisa Maatz

Tune into ABC’s “Good Morning America” news show on Tuesday, Feb. 2 to hear Lifetime’s Andrea Wong talk about The Secrets of Powerful Women: Leading Change for a New Generation, a collection of essays written by 24 top women community and business leaders, politicians, and journalists. AAUW’s Lisa Maatz, who is among them, shares one of the important lessons she learned in elementary school.

Order the Secrets of Powerful Women: Leading Change for a New Generation, the book women across America will be talking about.

AAUW Weighs in on Hiring of First Woman President at University of Virginia

Cavalier Daily (Friday, Jan. 29)

Catherine Hill, AAUW’s director of research, is quoted in a story about the hiring of Teresa A. Sullivan, the University of Virginia’s first woman president. “Diversity in higher education is important because it provides new ways of looking at age-old problems and welcomes different approaches to scholarship,” Hill said.

Vote for AAUW!

Vote for AAUW in the Shorty Awards nonprofit category. Send a tweet (or message) like this: “I nominate @aauw for a Shorty Award in #nonprofit because… (add reason here).” AAUW was nominated for a 2010 Shorty Award, an honor given to the best producers of short content on Twitter. Check out the AAUW Shorty Interview to learn more about how AAUW is using this popular social media tool to highlight our mission and activities.

AAUW Adds to Discussion about Work Policies and Single Women

On Friday, Jan. 29, AAUW’s Lisa Maatz took part in a discussion on work policies and single women. The Fem2.0 Radio Blog series was heavily promoted on sites such as on Feministe, NOW, Today’s Workplace, and About.com: Working Moms. The program can be accessed on the Public Policy’s work-life web page.

Order the book women across America will be talking about

The Secrets of Powerful Women

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